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Writer: Hannah BakerHannah Baker

" Consider it pure joy my brothers and sisters , whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking in anything."

James 1:2-4

Setbacks in this life are inevitable. We have all had them at one time or an other. Yes, all of us. Some of us more than others. Oftentimes, we usually look at setbacks as detriments because when we are in the midst of them it seems as if there is no end in sight. It is those circumstances that make us question our reality while staring at the ceiling at 3AM. It is in these moments that make us wonder if we even have a purpose. Some setbacks are out of our control while others are brought on by our own doings.

How many of us have put so much of our time, effort and energy into our own desires instead of what God desires for us? However, even good and Godly desires if they are left unchecked can also become idols. Ultimately, idol worship, we all know is always a slippery slope.

Regardless of the struggle, setbacks can be used for our good and His glory. I believe there are many gifts and teachable moments that can come about through facing setbacks. However, we must allow ourselves to be teachable in those moments so growth can take place. Although painful, it is during setbacks that we find our truest identity in Him. Mostly, we will feel like a misfit and all alone when we are in it. It is important to remember that Jesus was a misfit, too. Judas betrayed Him, Peter denied Him, Thomas doubted Him and Satan tempted Him. He was also beaten, spat on, mocked and crucified. He was rejected in the womb when there was no room in the inn, rejected at the cross and He is still rejected to this day. Knowing this, we can rise again, too. Even when the struggle is real. Even in the face of rejection.

There are many gifts that the Lord has given me through my own setbacks and it is because of these things that I am very grateful.

I am learning that:

My identity is a Holy Identity. My identity is in Him and who He is. It is not in what or who the world says I am or who I should be.

My dependency is a Holy Dependency. He is my companion. My father. My Guide.

My community is a Holy Community. It is a community in which we are both dependent on God and each other. It is my church, my friends, my family and my small group.

My resilience is a Holy Resilience. It is a resilience and a strength that can only come from Himself when faced with adversity and never out of my own strength. It is the supernatural ability to keep going when I want to quit and the realization that what can seem like the end is really just a new beginning. It is the end of myself and the beginning of Him.

My boldness is a Holy Boldness. It is a supernatural confidence just like my supernatural resilience to keep sharing my story and the truth of the Gospel no matter what it costs me in a world that so desperately needs Him.

Setbacks are indeed hard, but the gifts within them definitely outweigh the consequences. It is for this reason that I would not have them any other way.



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