The Full Story
Hello, my name is Hannah Baker! First, I am a writer who loves Jesus. It is through my gift of writing, God has called me to disciple fellow believers in order for them to grow in their faith and love for Him Writing is my vessel that I use so that the Holy Spirit will teach my readers how to have a closer walk with Him in our everyday. It is my prayer that this blog does just that. I grew up in church and for the earlier part of my life, I knew about Jesus, but I diid not know Him personally. However, at the age of fifteen, that all changed. I was invited by a friend and her youth group to a Billy Graham Crusade one weekend in Atlanta, Georgia at The Georgia Dome. It was at this crusade where I put my saving faith in Jesus Christ for the very first time. I wanted a best friend that would not let me down and it was there that Dr. Graham pointed me to that trusted best friend whose name was Jesus. However, life with Jesus is not a sprint, but a journey. While I felt at peace after I came to know Jesus as a Savior, Lord and friend that day, sparks unfortunately did not fly like I thought they would. It wasn't until when I was in college where I was confronted with having to navigate life on my own that my faith was tested. It was in those moments that my faith began to actually grow for the first time. Life is not easy and nor is it supposed to be . However, walking with Christ through life makes trials easier to withstand. Since college my faith has been growing and I am grateful to be walking with Him minute by minute, day by day and hour by hour. He is a wonderful Savior and Lord of my life and I am thankful to be His child. He is my strength and my shield when I am up and when I am down, He is my provider and He is also my rock.